Analysis of the data on Presidents of Peru

We will use the list of Presidents of Peru from a Wikipedia page, to play a bit with some cool R packages (XML, dplyr, lubridate, ggplot2, and googleVis), which will be used to extract and clean up the data, and later make some summaries and plots.

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Videoconferencing on the cheap (Videoconferencias baratas)

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Cheap implementation of a videoconfencing room

At the University I work (UPCH) as a professor and head of Software R&D at the University IT Office, we are implementing videoconferencing environments for small to medium sized groups (up to 18-20 people), using off-the-shelf cheap equipment. Basically, a good webcam (2 Megapixels at least), a cheap desktop CPU (USD 300-500), a good room microphone, and an LCD TV with VGA input, is all we need to implement a room.

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Friendly URLs with OpenSEF

Some time ago I tried the Xaneon SEF extension and it bombed, now that it has evolved and the development is more open, it comes back with a new name: OpenSEF. 

Just installed the component, configured, and it just worked (with minor glitches due to remnants of the old Xaneon data). I am not sure it is more search engine friendly, but it sure is more wetware friendly to have URLs that are derived from the article’s titles, etc.

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