Finally after learning a couple of weeks ago, about the new support for HTTPS
backed by the "Let's Encrypt" offered
by Dreamhost,
I decided to use it on my main site.
So far, everything seems just fine, and I am happy that is working.
Note from 2016-06-10: After a few minor issues, at the beginning, the
automatic renovation of the certificates is now running smoothly, it
is a testament to the high quality support by Dreamhost.
For the "Practical Machine Learning" course at Coursera, the class was given
a dataset from a Human Activity Recognition (HAR) study1 that tries to assess
the quality of an activity (defined as “... the adherence of the execution
of an activity to its specification ...”), namely a weight lifting exercise,
using data from sensors attached to the individuals and their equipment.
Sitepoint has published the results of their 2015 PHP Framework popularity survey1. In that post they show that the survey gives a very large edge to Laravel. The people at Sitepoint were also nice enought to publish their properly anonymized dataset in a github repo2
So I went ahead, and forked their repo and fired up R to give this data a go.
// under PHPRsurvey
// published on: mié 01 abril 2015
I am currently reading the book "Machine Learning with R"1 by Brent Lantz,
and also want to learn more about the caret2 package, so I decided to replicate
the SPAM/HAM classification example from the chapter 4 of the book using caret
instead of the e10713 package used in the text.
There are other differences apart from using a different R package:
instead of using as comparison the number of false positives, I decided
to use the sensitivity and specificity as criteria to evaluate the
prediction models. Also, I used the calculated models on a (different) second
dataset to test their validity and prediction performance.
I am currently reading the book "Machine Learning with R"1 by Brent Lantz,
and also want to learn more about the caret2 package, so I decided to replicate
the kNN example from the chapter 3 of the book using caret instead of the
class3 package used in the text.
It seems that there is a bit of a problem with using Mathjax and
Cloudflare, for some reason the math does not render at all, even when
using the Mathjax from cdnjs (Cloudflare's own CDN).
// under CloudflareMath
// published on: mar 28 octubre 2014
Este es un ejemplo nada elaborado del uso del servicio de datos abiertos disponibles por
parte del municipio de Lima Metropolitana, en el cual ponemos en un mapa los paraderos
de corredor TGA (Tacna-Garcilazo-Armedáriz) en un par de formas distintas.
El servicio en cuestión usa Junar como plataforma. Existen
librerías para varios lenguajes de programación, pero no para R; pero felizmente
el API es basado en REST y la respuesta de las llamadas es un arreglo en JSON, de manera
que es factible consumir los datos usando la librería jsonlite.
Project for the "Statistical Inference" course (Coursera, Aug. 2014)
Compare simulated mean and variace with the theoretical values
We will run 1000 rounds of simulation of 40 exponentials with \lambda = 0.2,
using a fixed seed, and comparing the center of the distribution of the mean
and variance values with the theoretical 1 / \lambda: